Detective Agency Bornheim, Germany | Private Investigator Bornheim – Kurtz Investigations*

Third best investigation agency in Germany on the Wirtschaftswoche’s service ranking

Recurring cases that our detective agency in Bornheim investigates on behalf of private clients and companies include cases of infidelity in a partnership, burglary, disputes about child support or alimony, missed family members, as well as cases of fraudulent sick leave, theft, espionage or violation of non-compete clauses. We will gladly investigate on your behalf in one of the above-mentioned cases or in many other case constellations +49 228 2861 4084.


Not convinced yet? Have a look at our references!

Handicapped at golf or in a partnership?

Bornheim counts 49,076 inhabitants (2016) and is located in the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis. It is in close vicinity to the Rheinland Nature Park (previously known as Kottenforst-Ville) and a golf facility of 100 ha, both of which attract guests from adjoining areas. However, not all of said guests are interested in the countryside or the sporting activities – many a target person of our private detective agency in Bornheim uses the green for an affair, far away from marital daily life. We investigate in a number of private cases, including child abuse through a custodial parent, people tracing to locate debtors or family members that you have lost touch to, or if you suspect a hidden source of income while progressing through divorce proceedings, and many other cases.


Even cases where your physical integrity is at stake – domestic violence, stalking, threats and intimidation – are part of the portfolio of our IHK-certified private investigators in Bornheim. Many of our clients struggle to share their problems with a stranger, something which, in all probability, leads to rather high dark figures within the statistics on this specific field of crime. Our experienced team of detectives will aid you to solve your individual case with a high degree of discretion and the necessary respect and tact. Our private investigators in Bornheim will gladly advise you on your options. Please, send us your request through email, via our contact form, or give us a call.

Detective; private investigator Bornheim, detective agency Bornheim, private detective Bornheim

Most of the cases investigated by our detective agency in Bornheim are solved through surveillance. In addition to that, we can offer a wide range of alternative investigation methods.

Solving corporate crimes and delicts committed by employees

Around 2,600 retail and craft businesses, 100 restaurants, and the city's agriculture constitute Bornheim's economy. In June 2016, 10,133 employees that are subject to social insurance contributions were registered in the city and the unemployment rate (3.9 %) was far below the average which can be explained with the high number of inhabitants commuting to work elsewhere (14,762). The possibly best-known economic good of the city is the "Bornheimer Spargel" (asparagus) – this delicacy is protected by the EU through the protected geographical indication (PGI). Naturally, our seasoned corporate investigators in Bornheim are not granted much time for enjoying the local asparagus – the schedule dictates a lot of research and surveillance work on behalf of corporate clients.


Besides delicts committed by third parties, for example, cargo theft, unfair competition or burglary, numerous employees prove to be disloyal, through, for example, false claims for expenses, sabotage, and delicts of embezzlement or misappropriation. Our renowned corporate detective agency in Bornheim solves such crimes. All results will be recorded in a valid investigation report. We will gladly advise you on your specific case in a non-binding informational interview, free of charge: +49 228 2861 4084.    

Examples for areas of operation in the Bornheim region:

Protestant Church Bornheim; corporate detective Bornheim, investigation company Bornheim

Old Protestant Church in Bornheim, Germany


*Please note: All operations of Kurtz Investigations Bonn are executed and billed from the Zeppelinstraße in Bonn. The other operating cities and regions advertised on this domain are neither local branches nor permanent establishments of the Kurtz Detective Agency, if not explicitly stated differently. We can offer you affordable traveling expense flat-rates nationwide. The same applies for traveling to a wide range of areas abroad. When operating in the countryside, the cost evaluation starts from the next greater city. You can find further information on our fees here, and on operating areas here.

Kurtz Detektei Bonn Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik

Kurtz Detektei Bonn

Zeppelinstraße 8

53177 Bonn

Tel.: 0228 2861 4084

Montag bis Freitag: 08:00-20:00

Spenden an Kinder

Die Detektei Kurtz unterstützt die Neven Subotic Stiftung. Helfen auch Sie, Kindern in armen Regionen Zugang zu Wasser und Bildung zu verschaffen.

Datenschutz Detektei, Bonn Detektiv, Bonn Privatdetektiv, Koblenz Detektei

*Hinweis: Das Büro der Kurtz Detektei Bonn liegt im Bonner Stadtteil Bad Godesberg. Alle Einsätze werden von der Zeppelinstraße in Bonn aus durchgeführt und berechnet. Bei anderen auf dieser Domain beworbenen Einsatzorten oder -regionen handelt es sich weder um örtliche Niederlassungen noch um Betriebsstätten der Kurtz Detektei Bonn, sondern um vergangene oder mögliche künftige Einsatzorte. Wir können Ihnen bundesweit günstige Anfahrtspauschalen bieten, Gleiches gilt für zahlreiche Regionen im Ausland. In ländlichen Gebieten erfolgt die Berechnung in der Regel von der nächstgrößeren Stadt. Weitere Informationen zu den Honoraren finden Sie hier und zu den Einsatzorten hier.

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